基要信仰班 Cantonese Sunday School

bible lights image

Every Sunday until December 29, 2024

9:00am – 10:00am

Category: 主日學 Adult Sunday School

基督教教育部(粵語)「基要信仰班」,為慕道及信徒而設,參加者可以認識基督教的基本信仰,從而活出基督徒的信仰生活。課程定於ETC 208/209室,時間為主日早上9:00-10:00,歡迎任何人參與。查詢及報名請聯絡李培榮牧師、黃永明弟兄或Licle姊妹。

Christian Education Class (Cantonese) 

The "Basic Faith Class" of the Christian Education Ministry (Cantonese) is designed for catechists and believers. Participants can understand the basic beliefs of Christianity and live a Christian faith life.

More Events

October 20, 2024 9:00am – 10:15am
基督教教育課程:創世記:信實與護佑 Cantonese Sunday School